5 Fascinating Facts About Oak Wine Barrels
While wine barrels are often considered seemingly ordinary, there are some extraordinary facts about these barrels. From their shape to their purpose, here are 5 Fascinating facts about oak wine barrels you probably didn’t know.

While wine barrels are often considered seemingly ordinary, there are some extraordinary facts about these barrels. From their shape to their purpose, here are 5 Fascinating facts about oak wine barrels you probably didn’t know.
- Barrels are Shaped in a Very Specific Way
- Oak barrels aren’t shaped in a barrel-shape by coincidence. These barrels were designed specifically to stand upright, but also with the ability to roll around for easy transport.
- There is a Great Debate About the Best Oak Barrels
- While some wine barrels are made from American oak, others from French oak, and others from Slavonian oak, nobody can agree on the best type of oak. All three of these types of oak barrels add a unique element to the wine – with some individuals preferring one to the other.
- Oak Barrels Add Tannin to the Wine
- Yes, your wine’s tannin comes from the grape skins and seeds. But few people know that oak barrels also contain tannin, which is extracted into the wine for additional structure.
- The biggest Wine Barrel Holds 220 000 Litres (58 100 Gallons) of Wine.
- This wine barrel, situated in Germany, is 7 meters high and 8 meters in width.
- A Barrel-Maker is Known as a Cooper
- Making a wine barrel, whether from Slavonian oak or American oak, is a tricky process. This craftsmanship is done by an individual known as a Cooper.